
Dear Community,

This page is a work in progress. We would appreciate ideas that you might have for celebrations. Here are some of the Our Earth Every Day Community’s suggestions:

  1. Of course, one of the most accessible (and daily if you are so inclined) celebrations could be to log in to observe, comment or post to the Community Conversation. Talk about the “ripples in a pond” metaphor!  You just never know what great things – disguised as simple acts or thoughts – might impact you. And by the same token, your contributions to the Conversation might be vitally helpful or inspiring to some other Community member. Whether it be someone who reads your posts, blogs or podcasts locally or in Singapore, Bali, Europe, the U.S and beyond, there is just no telling how one or many others might benefit. Yippee!! Makes me want to party just thinking about the possibilities.
  2. We could plan Zoom gatherings and workshops around areas of interest that the Community identifies.
  3. The Community could collaborate to fashion the particulars of quarterly celebrations of the earth’s astronomical landmarks. The Vernal Equinox, March 21 and Autumnal Equinox, September 21, Summer Solstice June 21, and Winter Solstice, December 21.
  4. On that order, if we really get feisty, we could also plan events around the twelve full moons (every 2 ½ years there is a thirteenth moon called a blue moon). Did you know that each month’s full moon has a special nickname, e.g. January’s full moon is referred to as the Wolf moon?
  5. We could use the Celebration page to highlight Our Earth Every Day Community member artwork relating to the earth — paintings, photos, poems, music?
  6. Our Community members might fashion earth-related celebrations for family or school projects. Maybe these could be used as prototypes or algorithms and made available to a broader audience.
  7. We could offer resources suggested by the Community for celebrations of other events, such as weddings, birthdays, block parties or anniversaries, which might incorporate an earth-loving component.
  8. We could post links to articles, videos and documentaries, on subjects highlighted by Our Earth Every Day.
  9. Meet the author events – We can approach authors of exciting earth and good deed books to have Zoom book “signings.” Subsequently, we might spin off a monthly or quarterly Zoom book club.  If you know an author who might be available to the Our Earth Day Community let us know.
  10. How do you celebrate the earth? Do you have personal observances that you could share with us? We invite you to post photos and videos or create a blog to explain what you do.

Please let us know if these dates and events would be of interest to you and what the specifics of the celebrations might entail. You can reach us at We will create these together and then you can help us design a cool page here to show off our work!

Thanks a bunch,

Our Earth
